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pro vyhledávání: '"E I, Shmeleva"'
Z. R. Nasyrova, G. P. Kayukova, A. V. Vakhin, E. I. Shmeleva, A. N. Mukhamedyarova, N. M. Khasanova, D. K. Nurgaliev
Publikováno v:
Petroleum Chemistry. 62:62-82
Publikováno v:
Petroleum Science and Technology. 37:971-976
In the given paper, we evaluate the efficiency of iron oxide (magnetite in the form of water suspension) nanoparticles (50-120 nm) in intensification of cracking reactions of heavy componen...
N S, Zakharova, S I, Agal'tsova, E I, Shmeleva, M V, Britsina, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, T N, Remova, I G, Bazhanova, N U, Mertsalova, E V, Ermolova
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (3)
Toxic properties of acellular pertussis vaccine (APV) and morphological changes in white mice in response to intramuscular injection of APV (without or with immunomodulator glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide-GMDP) were under study. APV used in these exper
N S, Zakharova, T N, Remova, M V, Britsina, E I, Shmeleva, N U, Mertsalova, E M, Zaĭtsev, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, I G, Bazhanova, E V, Ermolova
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (6)
The humoral response of mice and rabbits to the injection of whole-cell pertussis vaccine (PV) and acellular pertussis vaccine (APV), developed at the Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera (Russian Acad. Med. Sci.) in Moscow, was studied
N S, Zakharova, E I, Shmeleva, T N, Remova, I G, Bazhanova, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, N U, Mertsalova, M V, Britsina, E V, Ermolova, E M, Zaĭtsev
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (3)
The immunogenic and protective properties of acellular pertussis vaccines, prepared on the basis of B. pertussis multicomponent protective complex and the preparation containing only pertussis toxin, were studied. The study revealed that multicompone
N S, Zakharova, T N, Remova, I G, Bazhanova, M H, Ozeretskovskaia, M V, Britsina, E I, Shmeleva, N U, Mertsalova, E I, Ermolova, E E, Sukhinova, V F, Bulk, A V, Sirotinskiĭ, A G, Poluiianova, V V, Sviridov, Iu P, Vartanian
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (3)
A highly effective technology for obtaining a protective antigenic complex, including the main Bordetella pertussis protective antigens (pertussis toxin, filamentous hemagglutinin, agglutinogens, pertactin and adenylate cyclase) and isolated from the
E I, Shmeleva, N U, Mertsalova, E V, Sukhinova, G A, Kirillova, T N, Remova, I G, Bazhanova, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, M V, Britsina, E V, Ermolova, N S, Zakharova
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (2)
The possibility of obtaining native pertussis preparations with high immunobiological activity has been shown. To obtain such preparations, the use of B. pertussis selected strain, its growth under the conditions of static cultivation in a synthetic
I E, Semina, I G, Bazhanova, V I, Melikhov, V A, Chechot, M M, Mileĭkovskaia, N U, Mertsalova, E I, Shmeleva, T N, Remova, E E, Sukhinova, M N, Ozeretskovskaia
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (2)
Some physicochemical properties of B.pertussis antigenic complexes isolated from synthetic and semisynthetic culture media have been studied. The chemical composition of these complexes has been determined. Proteins, polypeptide subunits and lipopoly
G A, Kirillova, E E, Sukhinova, E I, Shmeleva, N U, Mertsalova, T N, Remova, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, N S, Zakharova, E P, Petrova, V Ia, Antishina
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (6)
I G, Bazhanova, T N, Remova, M N, Ozeretskovskaia, E I, Shmeleva, N U, Mertsalova, E E, Sukhinova, R P, Chuprinina, V F, Bulk, I E, Semina, S Ia, Koval'skaia
Publikováno v:
Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (1)
The preclinical trial of a new cell-free pertussis vaccine has been carried out with a view to its comparison with whole-cell pertussis vaccine in respect of the toxic and protective properties of the preparations under experimental conditions. The w