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pro vyhledávání: '"Danielle M Fritze"'
Mustafa Tamim Alam Khan, Ronit Patnaik, Allison N. Laffoon, Lucijana Krokar, Spencer R. Ince, Estefania Hurtado, Mio Kitano, Danielle M. Fritze, Daniel L. Dent
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Journal of Surgical Research. 288:43-50
Ronit Patnaik, Mustafa Tamim Alam Khan, Ross E. Willis, Seiji Yamaguchi, Daniel Joseph Scott, Thomas Oh, Danielle M. Fritze
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Global Surgical Education - Journal of the Association for Surgical Education. 1
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One of the most challenging aspects of the kidney transplant operation is performing vascular anastomoses in the confines and depths of the iliac fossa. General surgery residents need to be adequately trained in this skill to maximize their intraoper
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Advances in Surgery. 45:141-153
F or more than two centuries, surgeons have been performing operations on the colon and rectum. This year more than 100,000 colorectal operations will be performed in the United States alone [1]. Despite the abundant collective knowledge and experien
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Chassin's Operative Strategy in General Surgery ISBN: 9781461413929
Multiple surgical diseases involve the small intestine or appendix and require knowledge relating to operations on the small bowel. This chapter introduces the concepts necessary to operate on the small bowel and appendix safely by discussing the ope
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Andrea M. Abbott, Herand Abcarian, Wasef Abu-Jaish, David B. Adams, Julie E. Adams, Andrew S. Akman, Steven R. Alberts, Hisami Ando, Leonard Armstrong, Vivian A. Asamoah, Theodor Asgeirsson, Stanley W. Ashley, Dimitrios Avgerinos, H. Randolph Bailey, Humayun Bakhtawar, Santhoshi Bandla, John M. Barlow, Todd H. Baron, Juan Camilo Barreto Andrade, Lokesh Bathla, Jennifer S. Beaty, David E. Beck, David Beddy, Alec C. Beekley, Kevin E. Behrns, Kfir Ben-David, Jacques Bergman, Marc Besselink, Adil E. Bharucha, Adrian Billeter, Sylvester M. Black, Jeffrey A. Blatnik, Ronald Bleday, Brendan J. Boland, Scott J. Boley, Luigi Bonavina, Eduardo A. Bonin, Sarah Y. Boostrom, Thomas C. Bower, Jan Brabender, Malcolm V. Brock, Jill C. Buckley, William J. Bulsiewicz, Adele Burgess, Sathyaprasad C. Burjonrappa, Angel M. Caban, Jason A. Call, Mark P. Callery, John L. Cameron, Michael Camilleri, Peter W.G. Carne, Jennifer C. Carr, Emily Carter Paulson, Riaz Cassim, Donald O. Castell, Peter Cataldo, Samuel Cemaj, Parakrama T. Chandrasoma, George J. Chang, Vivek Chaudhry, Herbert Chen, Clifford S. Cho, Eugene A. Choi, Karen Chojnacki, Michael A. Choti, John D. Christein, Donald O. Christensen, Chike V. Chukwumah, Albert K. Chun, Robert R. Cima, Clancy J. Clark, Pierre-Alain Clavien, Alfred M. Cohen, Jeffrey Cohen, Steven D. Colquhoun, Willy Coosemans, Gene F. Coppa, Edward E. Cornwell, Daniel A. Cortez, Mario Costantini, Daniel A. Craig, Peter F. Crookes, Joseph J. Cullen, Alexandre d’Audiffret, Herbert Decaluwé, Georges Decker, Thomas C.B. Dehn, Paul De Leyn, Steven R. DeMeester, Tom R. DeMeester, Aram N. Demirjian, Anthony L. DeRoss, Eduardo de Santibañes, John H. Donohue, Eric J. Dozois, Brian J. Dunkin, Stephen P. Dunn, Christy M. Dunst, Andre Duranceau, Noreen Durrani, Philipp Dutkowski, Barish H. Edil, Jonathan E. Efron, Yousef El-Gohary, E. Christopher Ellison, Scott A. Engum, Warren E. Enker, David A. Etzioni, Douglas B. Evans, Victor W. Fazio, Edward L. Felix, Aaron S. Fink, James Fisher, Robert J. Fitzgibbons, Evan L. Fogel, Yuman Fong, Debra H. Ford, Patrick Forgione, John B. Fortune, Danielle M. Fritze, Karl-Hermann Fuchs, Brian Funaki, Thomas R. Gadacz, Susan Galandiuk, David Geller, George K. Gittes, Christopher A. Gitzelmann, Tony E. Godfrey, Matthew I. Goldblatt, Hein G. Gooszen, Gregory J. Gores, Yogesh Govil, Kimberly Grant, Sarah E. Greer, Jay L. Grosfeld, José G. Guillem, Jeffrey A. Hagen, Jason F. Hall, Christopher L. Hallemeier, Peter T. Hallowell, Amy P. Harper, Ioannis S. Hatzaras, Elliott R. Haut, William S. Havron, Richard F. Heitmiller, J. Michael Henderson, H. Franklin Herlong, O. Joe Hines, Fuyuki Hirashima, Wayne L. Hofstetter, Arnulf H. Hölscher, Roel Hompes, Toshitaka Hoppo, Philip J. Huber, Tracy Hull, Eric S. Hungness, John G. Hunter, James E. Huprich, Hero K. Hussain, Neil Hyman, Jennifer L. Irani, Emily T. Jackson, Danny O. Jacobs, Eric H. Jensen, Catherine Jephcott, Blair A. 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Douglas Wong, Jonathan Worsey, Cameron D. Wright, Bhupender Yadav, Charles J. Yeo, Trevor M. Yeung, Max Yezhelyev, Kyo-Sang Yoo, Yi-Qian Nancy You, Tonia M. Young-Fadok, Johannes Zacherl, Giovanni Zaninotto, Merissa N. Zeman, Pamela Zimmerman, Gregory Zuccaro
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Zefeng Xia, Xiaobin Wu, Weizhen Zhang, Cam Patterson, Danielle M. Fritze, Biaoxin Chai, Chao Zhang, Michael Mulholland, Ji Yao Li
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BMC Neuroscience
BMC Neuroscience, Vol 12, Iss 1, p 95 (2011)
BMC Neuroscience, Vol 12, Iss 1, p 95 (2011)
Background The arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus regulates food intake. Ankyrin repeat and SOCS box containing protein 4 (Asb-4) is expressed in neuropeptide Y and proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the arcuate nucleus, target neurons in the reg
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Gerard M. Doherty, Danielle M. Fritze
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Otolaryngologic clinics of North America. 43(2)
Well-differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) carries an excellent prognosis. Although long-term survival rates are high, regional lymph node metastases are common. Surgical management of cervical lymph nodes is integral to the comprehensive treatment of