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pro vyhledávání: '"Chernyavskii, A. A."'
Agafonova, N. Y., Alexandrov, A., Anokhina, A. M., Asada, T., Ashikhmin, V. V, Boccia, V., Centanni, D., Chernyavskii, M. M., D'Ambrosio, N., De Lellis, G., Di Crescenzo, A., Dowdy, Y. C., Dmitrievski, S., Enikeev, R. I., Galati, G., Galkin, V. I., Golovatiuk, A., Gorbunov, S. A., Gornushkin, Y., Guler, A. M., Gulyaeva, V. V., Iuliano, A., Khalikov, E. V., Kim, S. H., Konovalova, N. S., Krasilnikova, Y. O., Lauria, A., Lee, K. Y., Loschiavo, V. P., Managadze, A. K., Miloi, A., Montesi, M. C., Naka, T., Okateva, N. M., Park, B. D, Podgrudkov, D. A., Polukhina, N. G., Roganova, T. M., Rosa, G., Samoilov, M. A., Sadykov, Z. T., Saeki, K., Sato, O., Shakiryanova, I. R., Shchedrina, T. V., Shiraishi, T., Sohn, J. Y., Sotnikov, A., Starkov, N. I., Starkova, E. N., Strekalina, D. M., Tioukov, V., Ursov, E. D., Ustyuzhanin, A., Vasina, S., Voronkov, R. A., Yoon, C. S.
We present a study of a directional search for Dark Matter boosted forward when scattered by cosmic-ray nuclei, using a module of the NEWSdm experiment. The boosted Dark Matter flux at the edge of the Earth's atmosphere is expected to be pointing to
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Alexey M. Plyusnin, Elena R. Garipova, Alexander V. Ukraintsev, Mikhail K. Chernyavskii, Dashima I. Zhambalova
Publikováno v:
Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов, Vol 335, Iss 11 (2024)
Relevance. Negative impact of waste from mining enterprises on the ecological state of the surrounding areas. Aim. To determine the migration ability of toxic chemical elements from waste storage sites of the Ermakovskoe beryllium deposit in the air.
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Sukhanov, A. S., Tymoshenko, Y. V., Kulbakov, A. A., Cameron, A. S., Kocsis, V., Walker, H. C., Ivanov, A., Park, J. T., Pomjakushin, V., Nikitin, S. E., Morozov, I. V., Chernyavskii, I. O., Aswartham, S., Wolter, A. U. B., Yaresko, A., Büchner, B., Inosov, D. S.
Publikováno v:
Phys. Rev. B 105, 134424 (2022)
The metallic compound FeP belongs to the class of materials that feature a complex noncollinear spin order driven by magnetic frustration. While its double-helix magnetic structure with a period $\lambda_{\text{s}} \approx 5c$, where $c$ is the latti
Externí odkaz:
A. Slavko, A. Chernyavskii
Publikováno v:
Аналітично-порівняльне правознавство, Iss 2 (2024)
Академічна свобода є однією із запорук розвитку суспільства як такого, адже вона відіграє критичну роль для наукових досліджень і тех
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Zuza, D.A., Nekhoroshev, V.O., Batrakov, A.V., Markov, A.B., Chernyavskii, A.V., Kurzina, I.A.
Publikováno v:
In Vacuum March 2024 221
Sukhanov, A. S., Nikitin, S. E., Pavlovskii, M. S., Sterling, T. C., Andryushin, N. D., Cameron, A. S., Tymoshenko, Y. V., Walker, H. C., Morozov, I. V., Chernyavskii, I. O., Aswartham, S., Reznik, D., Inosov, D. S.
Publikováno v:
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 043405 (2020)
We present a comprehensive investigation of lattice dynamics in the double-helix antiferromagnet FeP by means of high-resolution time-of-flight neutron spectroscopy and ab-initio calculations. Phonons can hybridize with the magnetic excitations in no
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Gippius, A. A., Tkachev, A. V., Zhurenko, S. V., Büttgen, N., Schädler, M., Chernyavskii, I. O., Morozov, I. V., Aswartham, S., Büchner, B., Moskvin, A. S.
Publikováno v:
Phys. Rev. B 102, 214416 (2020)
We report a detailed study of the ground state helical magnetic structure in monophosphide FeP by means of ${}^{31}$P NMR spectroscopy. We show that the zero-field NMR spectrum of the polycrystalline sample provides strong evidence of an anisotropic
Externí odkaz:
Chernyavskii, I. O., Nikitin, S. E., Onykiienko, Y. A., Inosov, D. S., Stahl, Q., Geck, J., Hong, X. C., Hess, C., Gaß, S., Wolter, A. U. B., Wolf, D., Lubk, A., Efremov, D. V., Yokaichiya, F., Aswartham, S., Büchner, B., Morozov, I. V.
Publikováno v:
Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 083403 (2020)
We report an optimized chemical vapor transport method, which allows growing FeP single crystals up to 500 mg in mass and 80 $mm^{3}$ in volume. The high quality of the crystals obtained by this method was confirmed by means of EDX, high-resolution T
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Naidyuk, Yu. G., Bashlakov, D. L., Kvitnitskaya, O. E., Aswartham, S., Morozov, I. V., Chernyavskii, I. O., Shipunov, G., Fuchs, G., Drechsler, S. -L., Hühne, R., Nielsch, K., Büchner, B., Efremov, D. V.
Publikováno v:
2D Mater. 6 (2019) 045012
We carried out point contact (PC) investigation of WTe2 single crystals. We measured Yanson d2V/dI2 PC spectra of the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) in WTe2. The spectra demonstrate a main phonon peak around 8 meV and a shallow second maximum near
Externí odkaz:
E. M. Stakhneva, E. V. Kashtanova, Ya. V. Polonskaya, E. V. Striukova, V. S. Shramko, E. V. Sadovski, A. V. Kurguzov, I. S. Murashov, A. M. Chernyavskii, Yu. I. Ragino
Publikováno v:
Бюллетень сибирской медицины, Vol 21, Iss 4, Pp 121-129 (2023)
Aim. To study the associations of blood proteins with the presence of unstable atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries in patients with coronary artery disease using the quantitative proteomic analysis.Materials and methods. The study included patien
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