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pro vyhledávání: '"C Gabrion"'
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Revue Marocaine des Sciences Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, Vol 14, Iss 4 (1994)
Deux poissons appartenant au groupe des Pleuronectiformes (Heterosomata), CitharuB linguatula Linné 1758 (Citharidae) etDicologoglossa cuneata Moreau 1881 (Soleidae) étaient échantillonnées de février 1988 à mai 1989 sur le littoral atlantique
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Journal of Fish Biology. 44:1005-1021
On the Atlantic Moroccan coast, two species of pleuronectiform fish coexist, wedge sole (Citharus linguatula) a temperate species, and spotted flounder (Dicohgoglossa cuneata) a tropical one. These two species are the definitive host for Bothriocepha
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Parasitology. 104:129-141
SUMMARYUltrastructural investigations (SEM, TEM) combined with lectin-binding analysis, have revealed concurrent modifications in tegumentary structure and surface glycoconjugates during the establishment and differentiation of Echinococcus multilocu
C. Gabrion, F. Robert
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Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparée. 66:226-235
Au cours d’une etude sur les populations d’Artemia de Camargue (France), 4,5 % des individus se sont reveles porteurs de cysticercoides de Cestodes Cyclophyllides. Une etude morphologique de ces cysticercoides permet de les rapporter respectiveme
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Journal of Fish Biology. 37:327-342
Relationships between sympatric populations of four species of Cestoda belonging to the genus Bothriocephalus (B. barbarus. B. gregarius, B. funiculus and B. scorpii) and populations of their respective hosts Scophthalmus rhombus, Pserra maxima, Cili
C. Gabrion, Benjamin Gourbal
Publikováno v:
J Parasitol
J Parasitol, 2006, 92 (1), pp.189-92
J Parasitol, 2006, 92 (1), pp.189-92
Male preputial and female clitoral glands of mice undergo development that depends on the level of hormones in the animal. Experimental infection with Taenia crassiceps cysticerci results in significant physiological modifications in the host. Here,
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Parasitology research. 84(4)
The two monogenean species Metamicrocotyla cephalus and Microcotyle mugilis have specific microhabitats on the gills of Mugil cephalus on which they may or may not coexist. M. cephalus is found in sector 1 of the posterior hemibranch of arch I. M. mu
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International journal for parasitology. 25(1)
E. multilocularis protoscoleces were co-cultured with hepatic cells in the presence of IAR 20 or BALB c 3T3 cells. Hepatocyte activity was determined by assaying transferrin and albumin secretion in culture media. The level of these 2 plasma proteins
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The Journal of experimental zoology. 254(2)
In the Mediterranean, the parasitic copepod Lepeophtheirus thompsoni Baird, 1850 specifically infests turbot (Psetta maxima L., 1758), whereas L. europaensis Zeddam, Berrebi, Renaud, Raibaut, and Gabrion, 1988 infests brill (Scophthalmus rhombus L.,
C. Gabrion, O. Berrada-Rkhami
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Parasitology research. 76(3)
The fine structure and differentiation of the embryonic envelopes before and after hatching in two bothriocephalid species of teleostean fish are described. Scanning electron microscopic observation of the egg surface confirmed the specific ornamenta