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pro vyhledávání: '"B. Biasse"'
B. Ghyselen, Emmanuel Nolot, Laurent Clavelier, O. Faynot, B. Biasse, T. Signamarcheix, Francois Andrieu, M. Casse, A.M. Papon
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Solid-State Electronics
An alternative technology is studied here to elaborate hybrid orientation silicon on insulator (SOI) films above a continuous buried oxide (BOX). To this purpose, a “deep-amorphization” followed by solid phase epitaxial regrowth (SPER) of SOI fil
Youcef Ouerdane, Florent Pigeon, Gregory Pandraud, B. Biasse, Alain Mure-Ravaud, Aziz Boukenter, Serge Pelissier
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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 216:95-98
We report results of an original photoinduced luminescence spectroscopy application to determine the process of direct bonding of silica wafers. This application is based upon laser induced visible fluorescence of the defects created during the bondi
J.M. Hartmann, F. Allain, Mikael Casse, D. Lafond, B. Guillaumot, Maud Vinet, Bernard Previtali, Julie Widiez, C. Vizioz, B. Biasse, J. Chiaroni, Y. Le Tiec, Simon Deleonibus, Yves Morand, Thierry Poiroux, J. Lolivier, P. Besson
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IEEE Electron Device Letters. 26:317-319
Thanks to bonding, metal-gate etching without any out-of-gate Si consumption, and self-aligned transfer of alignment marks, we have processed the first 10-nm-gate-length DG MOS transistors with metal gates. These devices exhibit excellent short-chann
D. Lafond, A. Roman, V. Carron, Bernard Previtali, François Martin, J.M. Hartmann, P. Besson, Yves Morand, P. Holliger, Mireille Mouis, B. Guillaumot, J. Lolivier, C. Vizioz, T. Poiroux, M. Casse, R. Truche, A. Toffoli, J. Simon, D. Renaud, F. Allain, M. Vinet, Julie Widiez, Simon Deleonibus, S. Maitrejean, B. Biasse, F. Laugier
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Extended Abstracts of the 2004 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials.
B. Ghyselen, Gérard Benassayag, Fabrice Letertre, A. M. Papon, A. Soubie, H. Moriceau, Alain Claverie, C. Lagahe, B. Aspar, T. Barge, B. Biasse, A. Chabli, E. Jalaguier, Jérémie Grisolia
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2000 International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology Proceedings. Ion Implantation Technology - 2000 (Cat. No.00EX432).
The Smart-Cut(R) process, based on proton implantation and wafer bonding, appears more and more as a generic process. The first part of the paper is dedicated to the specific case of thermally induced splitting. Cavity growth by Ostwald ripening mech
B. Biasse, A.M. Cartier, A.M. Papon, F. Gusella, J.F. Michaud, J. Margail, C. Jaussaud, C. Pudda, J.M. Lamure, A. Soubie
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1990 IEEE SOS/SOI Technology Conference. Proceedings.
A 150 m/sup 2/ class 100 clean room, specially dedicated for separation by implantation of oxygen (SIMOX) wafer production on a semi-industrial basis, has been set up at LETI. This facility includes a very high current oxygen ion implantation machine
B. Biasse, J.-L. Stehle
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1990 IEEE SOS/SOI Technology Conference. Proceedings.
A nondestructive optical technique, spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE), used to control top SiO/sub 2/, silicon, and buried SiO/sub 2/ layer thicknesses, as well as interfaces of these layers during SIMOX (separation by implantation of oxygen) wafer fab
T. Signamarcheix, Laurent Clavelier, A.-M. Papon, O. Faynot, B. Biasse, Bruno Ghyselen, Emmanuel Nolot, Jérôme Leveneur, Frédéric Mazen
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Applied Physics Letters. 96:262111
A bilayer silicon-on-insulator film was engineered to locally convert the crystallographic orientation from (100) to (110). The initial bilayer film is composed of a first 50 nm thick (110) oriented Si surface layer, above a second 20 nm thick (100)
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Electronics Letters. 31:792-793
The authors focus on the low-temperature direct bonding of Pyrex glass wafers. A hydrophilic treatment has been used to decrease the process temperature. After a final heat treatment at 350°C, a tensile strength of ~250 kgf/cm2 has been measured.
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Le Journal de Physique Colloques. 44:C5-303