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pro vyhledávání: '"Astrid Edlich"'
Susanna Lladó Maldonado, Astrid Edlich, Detlev Rasch, Andreas Dietzel, Rainer Krull, Gena Peterat
Publikováno v:
Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 87:505-517
Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat die Mikrobioreaktor (MBR)-Technologie rasche Fortschritte in der biotechnologischen Prozessentwicklung und der Untersuchung biologischer Systeme von der industriellen Biotechnologie bis hin zur Pharmabioverfahrenstechnik erzi
Sobehir Aliasghar Zadeh, Stefanie Demming, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Jordi Vila-Planas, Astrid Edlich, Andreu Llobera, Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Rolf Radespiel
Publikováno v:
We present the development of microbioreactors (MBRs) based on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) segmented waveguides (SWG) for local absorbance measurements. Two different MBRs were studied, either using symmetric or asymmetric SWG (being defined as MBR
Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Rolf Radespiel, Stefanie Demming, Detlev Rasch, Christian J. Kähler, Shobeir Aliasghar Zadeh, Veronika Magdanz, Rodrigo Segura, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Astrid Edlich, Rainer Krull
Publikováno v:
Biotechnology Progress. 26:1259-1270
A diffusion-based microreactor system operated with a reaction volume of 8 μL is presented and characterized to intensify the process understanding in microscale cultivations. Its potential as screening tool for biological processes is evaluated. Th
Rainer Krull, Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Stephan Barcikowski, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Stefanie Demming, Astrid Edlich, Anne Hahn
Publikováno v:
physica status solidi (a). 207:898-903
The mergence of microfluidics and nanocomposite materials and their in situ structuring leads to a higher integration level within microsystems technology. Nanoparticles (Cu and Ag) produced via laser radiation were suspended in Poly(dimethylsiloxane
Hannah Schmolke, Ezequiel Franco-Lara, Rainer Krull, Astrid Edlich, Claus-Peter Klages, Stephanus Büttgenbach, Stefanie Demming, Veronika Magdanz
Publikováno v:
Biomicrofluidics. 4(4)
Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) based on the combinations poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride)/poly(acrylic acid) (PDADMAC/PAA) and poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/PAA (PAH/PAA) were adsorbed on poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) and tested for nonspe
Publikováno v:
Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 81:1247-1247
Mikroverfahrenstechnischer Screening-Reaktor zum Monitoring biotechnologischer Prozesse A. Edlich (E-Mail: astrid.edlich@tu-bs.de), V. Sasse, D. Rasch, S. Demming, Juniorprof. E. Franco-Lara, Prof. R. Krull Institut fur Bioverfahrenstechnik, Technisc