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pro vyhledávání: '"Ús terapèutic"'
Harry L A Janssen, Jinlin Hou, Tarik Asselah, Henry L Y Chan, Fabien Zoulim, Yasuhito Tanaka, Ewa Janczewska, Ronald G Nahass, Stefan Bourgeois, Maria Buti, Pietro Lampertico, Oliver Lenz, Thierry Verbinnen, Joris Vandenbossche, Willem Talloen, Ronald Kalmeijer, Maria Beumont, Michael Biermer, Umesh Shukla
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Gut. BMJ Publishing Group
ObjectiveWe present the final analysis results of the phase 2 JADE study (ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier:NCT03361956).Design232 patients with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) not currently treated at study start (NCT) at study start or virologically suppress
Evan Y. Yu, Josep M. Piulats, Gwenaelle Gravis, Peter C.C. Fong, Tilman Todenhöfer, Brigitte Laguerre, Jose A. Arranz, Stephane Oudard, Christophe Massard, Julia Heinzelbecker, Luke T. Nordquist, Joan Carles, Michael P. Kolinsky, Marinela Augustin, Howard Gurney, Ali Tafreshi, Xin Tong Li, Ping Qiu, Christian H. Poehlein, Charles Schloss, Johann S. de Bono
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Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer; Olaparib; Pembrolizumab Cáncer de próstata metastásico resistente a la castración; Olaparib; Pembrolizumab Càncer de pròstata metastàtic resistent a la castració; Olaparib; Pembrolizumab Backgr
Marina C. Garassino, Shirish Gadgeel, Giovanna Speranza, Enriqueta Felip, Emilio Esteban, Manuel Dómine, Maximilian J. Hochmair, Steven F. Powell, Helge G. Bischoff, Nir Peled, Francesco Grossi, Ross R. Jennens, Martin Reck, Rina Hui, Edward B. Garon, Takayasu Kurata, Jhanelle E. Gray, Paul Schwarzenberger, Erin Jensen, M. Catherine Pietanza, Delvys Rodríguez-Abreu
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Pembrolizumab; Non-small-cell lung cancer Pembrolizumab; Cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas Pembrolizumab; Càncer de pulmó de cèl·lules no petites Clinical trials frequently include multiple end points that mature at different times. The
Ruben A. Mesa, Stacie Hudgens, Lysbeth Floden, Claire N. Harrison, Jeanne Palmer, Vikas Gupta, Donal P. McLornan, Mary F. McMullin, Jean‐Jaques Kiladjian, Lynda Foltz, Uwe Platzbecker, M. Laura Fox, Adam J. Mead, David M. Ross, Stephen T. Oh, Andrew Perkins, Michael F. Leahy, Samineh Deheshi, Rafe Donahue, Barbara J. Klencke, Srdan Verstovsek
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Mesa, R A, Hudgens, S, Floden, L, Harrison, C N, Palmer, J, Gupta, V, McLornan, D P, McMullin, M F, Kiladjian, J-J, Foltz, L, Platzbecker, U, Fox, M L, Mead, A J, Ross, D M, Oh, S T, Perkins, A, Leahy, M F, Deheshi, S, Donahue, R, Klencke, B J & Verstovsek, S 2023, ' Symptomatic benefit of momelotinib in patients with myelofibrosis: results from the SIMPLIFY phase III studies ', Cancer Medicine . https://doi.org/10.1002/cam4.5799
Momelotinib; Myelofibrosis; Patient-reported outcomes Momelotinib; Mielofibrosi; Resultats informats pel pacient Momelotinib; Mielofibrosis; Resultados informados por el paciente Background Myelofibrosis (MF)-associated constitutional symptoms can se
Alessandro D Santin, Ignace Vergote, Antonio González-Martín, Kathleen Moore, Ana Oaknin, Ignacio Romero, Sami Diab, Larry J Copeland, Bradley J Monk, Robert L Coleman, Thomas J Herzog, Jonathan Siegel, Linda Kasten, Andreas Schlicker, Anke Schulz, Karl Köchert, Annette O Walter, Barrett H Childs, Cem Elbi, Iurie Bulat
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ObjectivesAnetumab ravtansine is an antibody-drug conjugate consisting of a fully human anti-mesothelin monoclonal antibody conjugated to cytotoxic maytansinoid tubulin inhibitor DM4. Mesothelin is highly expressed in ovarian cancer. This phase Ib st
Neeltje Steeghs, Aaron R. Hansen, Glenn J. Hanna, Elena Garralda, Haeseong Park, James Strauss, Michael Adam, Gossett Campbell, Jennifer Carver, Rachael Easton, Katherine Mays, Peter Skrdla, Herbert Struemper, Michael L. Washburn, Christopher Matheny, Sarina A. Piha‐Paul
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Biological activity; Solid tumors Actividad biológica; Tumores sólidos Activitat biològica; Tumors sòlids A phase I trial (NCT03447314; 204686) evaluated the safety and efficacy of GSK1795091, a Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) agonist, in combination
Marco Falcone, Michael Bauer, Ricard Ferrer, Gaëtan Gavazzi, Juan Gonzalez del Castillo, Alberto Pilotto, Philipp Schuetz
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Purpose Optimal treatment of infections in the elderly patients population is challenging because clinical symptoms and signs may be less specific potentially resulting in both, over- and undertreatment. Elderly patients also have a less pronounced i
Caterina Carbonell, Joan Frigola, Nuria Pardo, Ana Callejo, Patricia Iranzo, Augusto Valdivia, Ilaria Priano, Susana Cedrés, Alex Martinez‐Marti, Alejandro Navarro, Laura Lenza, Mireia Soleda, Javier Gonzalo‐Ruiz, Ana Vivancos, Miriam Sansó, Enric Carcereny, Teresa Morán, Ramon Amat, Enriqueta Felip
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Immune checkpoint inhibitors; Liquid biopsy Inhibidores del punto de control inmunitario; Biopsia líquida Inhibidors del punt de control immunitari; Biòpsia líquida Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) targeting the PD-1/PD-L1 axis are the main the
Josep Tabernero, Eric Van Cutsem, Elena Garralda, David Tai, Filippo De Braud, Ravit Geva, Mark T J van Bussel, Katia Fiorella Dotti, Elena Elez, María J de Miguel, Kevin Litwiler, Danielle Murphy, Michelle Edwards, Van Karlyle Morris
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Background WNT974 is a small molecule inhibitor of Wnt signaling that specifically inhibits porcupine O-acyltransferase. This phase Ib dose-escalation study evaluated the maximum tolerated dose of WNT974 in combination with encorafenib and cetuxima
Beatriz Mateos-Muñoz, María Buti, Inmaculada Fernández Vázquez, Marta Hernández Conde, Vanesa Bernal-Monterde, Fernando Díaz-Fontenla, Rosa María Morillas, Luisa García-Buey, Ester Badía, Mireia Miquel, Alberto Amador-Navarrete, Sergio Rodríguez-Tajes, Lucía Ramos-Merino, Antonio Madejón, Montserrat García-Retortillo, Juan Ignacio Arenas, Joaquín Cabezas, Jesús Manuel González Santiago, Conrado Fernández-Rodríguez, Patricia Cordero, Moisés Diago, Antonio Mancebo, Alberto Pardo, Manuel Rodríguez, Elena Hoyas, Jose Javier Moreno, Juan Turnes, Miguel Ángel Simón, Cristina Marcos-Fosch, Jose Luis Calleja, Rafael Bañares, Sabela Lens, Javier Garcia-Samaniego, Javier Crespo, Manuel Romero-Gomez, Francisco Gea, Enrique Rodríguez de Santiago, Santiago Moreno, Agustin Albillos
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COVID-19; Hepatitis B; Tenofovir COVID-19; Hepatitis B; Tenofovir COVID-19; Hepatitis B; Tenofovir Background and Aims HIV-positive patients on tenofovir hydroxyl fumarate (TDF)/emtricitabine have a lower risk of COVID-19 and hospitalization than tho